Friday 20 May 2011

In which we get started

I suppose I should do an about us post first, but I don;t suppose anyone but people who actually know us are ever going to read this anyhow....unless I use it as evidence of what we are doing on our journey into education outwith the school system, in which case, I'm Sarah, mum to Hannah, aged 5 and a half, for whom the stresses of full-time school were way too much. Maybe some day, but not right now.

I;ve been wanting for some time to write more about Hannah and now seems a good time to do so.


today, 24th October. a day in which everything we did involved measuring. Hannah needs to drink more water during the day so this morning we made a chart. I showed her how much water is in her average size glass by getting her to pour it into a measuring jug and explained how if one glass contains 5 fl ozs (I know I should probably be doing it in metric but I think better in pints...and I;m not even that old..I did all my school maths in metric!!!) then she needs to drink 4 glasses a day to get to the pint recommended by our lovely GP. then we drew a very straight sided version of this onto paper, and Hannah spent ages practising drawing straight lines with a ruler. I measured it out into four equal sections and drew lines across, writing 1 cup, 2 cups etc. Went to the kitchen to get a drink and when I came back Hannah had drawn the next day's chart, not measured but a pretty accurate approximation of four equal parts ruled off and labelled correctly.

she came up with a fairly complex system of colour and symbol codes for noting what she had drunk to make up the day's quota. I wonder how she plans to colour in the last section today which was completed over some hours partly in milk, partly water, partly squash?

Next up was shopping. I gave her a list (of one item, admittedly, but the point was seeing whether she could work from a written list to get the right stuff). she isn;t too clear about money yet but the shop owners know us and I trust them not to rip her off (hmmm, did she actually give me change though????). Then we made Dino Dung (cookies) from her dinosaur cookbook as presents for her auntie and uncle's birthdays. I need a better scales to do weighing things is very hard to explain to her at the moment that each of the tiny lines = 25g, so I did the measuring in this bit. She did the messy stuff, rubbing in butter, stirring in egg and milk and squishing the dough into copralites!

I had to leave them to the tender mercies of my husband when they were half baked but they turned out nice.

Off tomorrow to Disneyland half term...which is galling as I booked before de-registering her. Still, she might even get a chance to practice her French on a real French person. I still remember being amazed that my tentative "bonjour" was understood and responded to. that's pretty much the limit of Hannah's French at the moment...well, bonjour, merci and elephant (with appropriate accents which I can't figure out how to add!). Wonder how much use *that* is going to be???

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