Wednesday 25 May 2011

In which Hannah meets Johnny!

Hannah has been a fan of Razorlight for years, influenced by her older cousin's liking for the song "America". She was 4 when she first owned one of their albums and just turned 6 when I took her to see them at the 02. Obviously we've missed them over the past year or so. But they are back and I had already bought tickets to see them at Guilfest in July when I noticed on their Facebook page that they were going to be busking at St Martin in the Fields yesterday evening as part of the Big Issue 20th Anniversary event.

I was in a complete quandary. I wanted to go. I knew Hannah would love it. But we'd had a couple of really busy days and she was supposed to have a swimming lesson at that time. But she'd love it and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and we can swim any time. But the dog would be on her own for too long. But I wasn't certain exactly where it was. But, but, but!

Eventually I ran the idea past my friend Louise when we met at home ed group. She suggested I leave Hannah at group with her and go home to walk the dog, before picking Hannah up from her house and going into central London. Brilliant! So we did that, arriving at St Martin in the Fields about 5pm. Still not sure where it was actually going to happen, we were reassured by a drum kit set up in the courtyard. We sat down and got chatting to a very nice Italian lady in incredibly funky shoes. Hannah complimented her on her outfit (ha, don't think she has no social skills, do you...see very ranty post!).

We waited a long time. Well an hour is a long time if you are 8 and desperate to see your idol in the flesh! I can remember perfectly well what kind of state I would have been in if offered that opportunity to meet Curt Smith. In the interim, Hannah was interviewed by a journalist and we made friends with some scaffolders from Margate, and she filmed a police incident! Then finally Razorlight arrived. One minute everyone was sedately sitting around the edge of the raised stone platform, but Johnny wasn't having that and called us to come closer. We ended up no more than 3 feet away from him! Our scaffolder friend drew his attention to Hannah and when they sang America, this happened.

At the end we got a photo with him and his autograph! Hannah is planning to photocopy it and have it framed to go on her wall! She was on cloud nine for the rest of the evening! So glad I made the decision to go...definitely would have regretted it if we hadn't!

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