Wednesday 25 May 2011

In which I rant about rude people

I'm just warning you in advance that this is yet another home educator getting hot under the collar over the bloody socialisation question!!!

I was going to call it the "dreaded" socialisation question, but I don't dread it. I think, given the unbalanced and highly biased image of home ed presented by the media and government, I cannot blame people who have never encountered home ed as it *actually* is for being concerned. And presumably, if their own children go or went to school, they *do* do most of their socialising with people in their takes up a large part of their life. I am always happy to enlighten people as to the reality of this home educated child's social life...which is there is a hell of a lot of it.

So when I told this woman (a dog-walking acqaintance) that Hannah is home educated and she trotted out that old chestnut, I didn't get defensive. I told her I understood why the image of home ed in the media would lead one to think that, but actually.....and followed with a list of all the opportunities Hannah has to socialise with her friends, drama, home ed group, horse riding, music lessons etc etc etc.

"She sounds thoroughly spoilt!"

How I stopped myself from saying "fuck off" I don;t know. She is *lucky*, yes. We couldn't personally afford to do all these things for her; we are very fortunate in having relatives who offer to pay for some of the more expensive activities. but if she didn't do those things, I would still be doing what I do, scouring listings, museum websites and email lists for things that she might find interesting. And yes, I go to some effort to take her to things. But a) so do parents who send their children to school pay for activities and take them has nothing to do with home ed and b)it's not all about her. *I* enjoy them. So sue me, I get personal gratification out of having fun with my child!

But what hit me most is *how* exactly is it acceptable to say to someone that their child is spoilt, when you barely know the person you are speaking to beyond the most casual acquaintance and have never even met the child in question. I wouldn;t dream of saying something like that, even to someone I knew very well. Somehow I don't think *Hannah* is the one lacking in social skills!


  1. Very rude! I think it sounds like you must have loads of fun home-educating. It's something I used to consider before I even had my daughter but it's not something that is right for us at the moment, although I try to educate her outside the school curriculum too. I love to read about HE.

  2. I agree with Mim. The lady was not only rude, she totally unaware of what she was talking about. I as an only child got that comment all my life, not because I was home schooled, as has my daughter who is an only child. Most children have other activities after school, are they spoiled too. You are a very good person not to have told her off. Don't blame you for ranting. Hope it made you feel better.
